Paraben-free, zero waste, palm oil-free, zero waste ... have you seen the current trend? After years of overabundance in all areas, there's a real desire to lighten up as much as possible: the 21st century will be minimalist or it won't be! At Vers La Terre, we've believed in going small to have as little impact as possible on our environment, our society and our health! Because our little worms have a big role to play!


Every French person produces an average of 1 kg of waste a day, of which around 1/3 is organic bio-waste: fruit and vegetable peelings, tea bags and coffee grounds. The rest is made up of various types ofpackaging and food waste, the latter most often linked to expired use-by dates. Let's reduce it all!


Even though we're increasingly thinking about sorting cardboard and plastic, our household bio-waste is still often found in the trash! And yet, this 100% natural detritus is worth its weight in gold!

Did you know? Nature's dictionary doesn't even mention the word "waste", because she's managed to avoid it in the first place: our worms will feast on all our scraps and turn them into compost and a liquid with a high nutritional value for plants: a genuine natural fertilizer, free of charge!

With or without a garden, you can take advantage of this great plan from Mother Nature thanks to urban worm composters like Cityworms!


Thanks to compost worms, we've succeeded in eliminating organic kitchen waste from our dustbin, but we can go much further still by adopting this common-sense quote: " The best waste is the waste we don't produce "! This is the credo of the Zero Waste movement, which has set itself the goal ofencouraging all initiatives aimed at reducing waste, including packaging: composting, buying in bulk, taking back deposits, fighting against food waste, reusing, sharing, pooling our objects (drills, washing machines)..

... This fundamental movement has been developing rapidly in France over the past few years, and already has its emblematic figures such as Béa Johnson, Pauline Imbault and the (almost) Zero Waste Family.

More and more zero-waste aficionados are sharing recipes and tips on social networks, as well as their good addresses for healthy, disposable-packaging-free grocery shopping.

In short, zero-waste is a little world in full ebullience, which has every intention of taking an ever-greater place in our lives, for the good of our environment and our health! This multi-faceted movement, in which our little vermicompost worms have an important role to play, is just waiting for you!

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